
What is rudraksha?

Rudraksha (also called as Rudraksh) are dried seeds of a tree, which grows in select locations of South East Asia, botanically known as Elaeocarpus Ganitrus. It is also called “Tears of Shiva” and there are many legends connected to Lord Shiva that describe its origin. The word Rudraksha comes from "Rudra" (name of Shiva) and "Aksha" meaning tears.

Benefits of wearing rudraksha?

Rudrakshas (also called as Rudraksh) are very supportive in maintaining physical and mental balance. For spiritual seekers, it supports to enhance one’s spiritual growth. It’s curative properties have been utilized worldwide for a number of physical, mental and psychosomatic illnesses.  

Who can wear rudraksha?

Anyone, irrespective of gender, cultural, ethnic, geographical or religious background can wear Rudraksha. They are intended for persons at any stage in life irrespective of mental and physical condition. It can be worn by children, students, the elderly and ill for many benefits. 

Does variation of size brings any effect? 

They are of the same quality; it is just that it's a question of convenience. The smaller ones cost more simply because the Rudraksha is not plucked from a tree, they wait for it to fall down, fully ripe and fall down. So, it is much harder to pick up the smaller beads in the mountain so they cost more; otherwise they're about the same.  

How to condition a new Rudraksha? 

To condition new Rudraksha beads, immerse them in ghee (clarified butter) for 24 hours and then soak them in full-fat milk for an additional 24 hours. Wash it with water and wipe the beads with a clean cloth. Do not wash them with soap or any cleaning material. Due to this conditioning, the color of the Rudraksha may be altered and it is perfectly normal as these are natural beads. It is also normal that some color of the thread may also come out during the conditioning. Conditioning should be done every six months as explained below.

Please note that Gauri Shankar can be conditioned using the same method as the copper casing on them is minimal. In case any discoloration of the copper occurs, the vibhuti which is used in the final step of conditioning can be rubbed onto the copper.

How often should I condition my Rudraksha? 

Conditioning of Rudrakshas should be done every six months. To condition Rudraksha mala or beads, immerse them in ghee (clarified butter) for 24 hours and then soak them in full-fat milk for an additional 24 hours. Wash it water and wipe the beads with a clean cloth. Do not wash them with soap or any cleaning material.

When can I wear Rudraksha Mala? 

The mala can be worn all the time. You can even wear it when you sleep or shower. If you take cold water baths and are not using any chemical soap, it is especially good for the water to flow over it and upon your body. But if you are using chemical soaps and warm water, it becomes brittle and will crack after sometime, so it is best to avoid wearing it at such times.


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